Monday, January 20, 2014

Beginner | 1h 31m | 1.31 GB | Project Files: Included | Software used: Photoshop CC 14.0

We’ll start this tutorial by sketching out a rough design for a tattoo followed by creating a polished render. Along the way we’ll discuss line work quality and color choices.

From there we’ll begin the process of weaving our tattoo design onto the arm of our model. We’ll start by focusing on conforming the design to the contours of the arm by using free transform and liquefy. In addition well use smart filters, blend modes and adjustment layers to create the illusion that our tattoo is apart of our subject’s skin. We’ll wrap up by making some lighting adjustments.

After watching this photo manipulation training, you’ll be able to take your own artistic designs and weave them into the skin of any model or subject of your choosing.

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